Austerity – Day 4.

Some of this content is rather boring, no?

So let’s just cut to it, maybe with a little more flavor.


Pretty solid. Scale was wrong, I’m actually at 170. IF protocol, a few too many carbs, when you’re off the alcohol and sugar you have a bit more flexibility. Veggies, tacos and a delicious (but obviously out-of-bounds) kids cheeseburger with my niece after school.

Good workout (sprints to 3,000 meters on rower) with mobility and then a long sauna.

Slept through he night until my better half got up at 3:00 a.m. to get ready for her trip to Mexico.


Quiet mediation session. Not much else.


Spent an hour doing pottery, and then firing the pottery. Results were… interesting. But I am getting much closer to dialing in the pit kiln process. I need much less heat. I think once the fire warms the pit then the cook will happen for hours, and there is not reason to blaze it so hot from the inception. More on this in a separate post.


Kept my spending to a minimum again. Shelled out a whopping $11 on a lifetimes supply of wood shaving for my pottery. $7 for after school treats with my niece. Not bad.

Austerity – Day 3


IF Protocol. Lunch of half-bagel, egg and cheese. Coffee. Dinner, tacos with chickens, salsa. Minimal sugar (had to test a recipe at work) and no alcohol.

No workout. But I did sauna. Oddly weight is at 176, which is high for me given that I’m off alcohol and sugar. I just restarted my scale, and while I’m sure everyone wants to blame the scale, that could actually be an issue. I’ll try and get a second opinion.

BP at 120/74. 118/65 last night. Both good readings.


Meditated. No breath work today. Didn’t get outside in any meaningful way.

Far too much social media and TV though. It is so insidious. Left TV on while cooking dinner, and then that transitions into watching TV during dinner. Big national news drew me into Twitter, and that is a black hole of distraction. It pretty much has to be an all-or-nothing, there is no real easy way to just bite off small pieces.


No real changes, still fine tuning that side gig for attorney work. Still need to find some other action, although I did some good work creating the World’s Most Expensive Avocado Toast. It’s a fun project for my coffee shop, and one I think could make a splash, be charitable and make some money at the same time.


See above. I spent some good time working on the copy and structure of the announcement for my avocado event, and I’m going to put that into the creativity category.

Austerity, Day 2.

I’ll try and fine-tune this format as time goes along, but for now I’ll just do my best to address the day prior, and give a look forward as needed.


Good workout (vigorous sprint to 3000 meters on the rower + mobility work). Good sauna, 200 degrees for about 45 minutes. Maintained at least a 16-8 intermittent fasting protocol by breaking my fast around 1pm with a bowl of soup. Dinner around 7:00pm with grass-fed beef tacos, salsa verde and a guacamole/pico de gallo. No alcohol. Sleep was straight through, rose feeling rested. 20 pushups/10 air squats upon waking.


Meditated in the morning for 15 minutes. Didn’t do any breath work today.


Cooked at home vs. giving in to the last minute tug to go out for tacos. Also made a step toward a side-gig doing mediations for my old law firm. I really don’t like the work, but it is fairly low pressure and good pay. And when you need money you need money. Not too many other people can grab a side gig where one gets paid what I’ll get paid.

Blood pressure was 126/78. Until I started monkeying around with my breathing and managed to get my systolic up to 144, diastolic still at 78. That’s anomalous so I threw that second number out.

One item I’ve failed to mention, and need to incorporate in future tracking/effort, is creativity. It should be a fourth pillar, or perhaps it should go under the Mind category. I recently read the book Creative Calling by Chase Jarvis, and I am totally invested. Daily creative work is critical to maintaining purpose, and by extension mental health. More on that later.

Austerity – Day 1.

Who doesn’t start a brand new plan for living on February 3?

But the fact is that things seem to be spiraling and I feel like I need to get a handle on it, for my own sanity. I’m not getting any younger, and as I am fond of telling my kids, if you want different results, you need to different practices. Nothing changes by doing the same thing.

Very generally my philosophy on many things have evolved to the basic conclusion that we all have too much. Too much food. Too much distraction. Too much information. Too much comfort. This is equally true for me.

So in an effort to find some change, like some Euro-zone economic minister I am imposition sweeping austerity measures in an effort to make some change.

I have carved up my life into three pieces. Health. Mind. Money.

Very generally, there will be alterations to each, but you will notice that each incorporates some measure of denial. This denial isn’t a punishment, but a hopeful return to a more modest existence, free from want and desire. It is an embrace of the idea that unlimited comfort and satisfaction is ultimately toxic. In a world where everything pleasurable is cheap, the truly important is devalued.



Generally, my diet is good. I eat better than most Americans, both in quantity and quality. I haven’t had refined sugar since last year, and I keep a fairly regular intermittent fast schedule. My meals are generally healthy, but there is room for improvement. The only real rule imposed here is no food from a package. You know what I’m talking about. Basically if it is sold on the inside aisles of the grocery story, don’t eat it.

Refinements will be as follows: Intermittent fasting will continue, with at least a 8-on, 16-off schedule. There will be at least one 48-hour water fast per month. And no, I’m not soliciting your input on fasting, I’ve done my homework and I’ve fasted in the past with great success. So if you’ve got opinions to the contrary, feel free to keep them to yourself.

Alcohol. None. I drink too much, and that isn’t exactly bearing a lot fruit. It took me 50 years to realize that cocktails are really just a mortgage on tomorrow. Which is to say, that they aren’t a bad thing, but they do have consequences. For February there will be no alcohol.

Body. I intend to keep up my regular workout schedule, and continue with my daily sauna. Blood pressure is back down to normal (even below normal) levels, so with the reduction in alcohol I suspect that I could see some real progress on that front.


Minimize distractions. Social media is a constant source of stunningly useless, angry distraction. What the hell do I care what nonsense Alyssa Milano has to say about South American politics? And why do I waste 10 minutes reading what other people have to say about Alyssa Milano’s opinions about South American politics?

Other than work-related media engagement, social media is out. I’ve come to the conclusion that the grand experiment in large-scale social interaction has, unsurprisingly, devolved into exactly what you’d expect: a cesspool of nonsense designed/engineering/algorithm’d to consume your time.

TV. Television, join social media in the penalty box. There are too many good books to read. Too many creative projects to embrace. Exceptions are the occasional sporting event, and curated movies. Sport and film are both art forms in their own way, and as long as I’m not watching for mere distraction, then they made the cut.

Stop watching, and start creating.

I meditate almost daily. Continue this practice along with the Wim Hof breathing and regular time spent outside. Nothing clears the mind like some breath-work while being outside.


This is always where austerity’s rubber meets the road.

Projects for February. Sort out my total financial picture. I need to know where my assets are best performing, where my weak links are, and how to improve every aspect of it. Sitting on the sidelines is no recipe for success. Some possible avenues are:

  1. Going carless. Do I need to own a car these days? My commute is less than two miles… should I really be paying to auto insurance, gas, etc. when I could ride-share or ride my bike?
  2. Side-gigs. Frankly, I just need more income. So that has to be a focus.
  3. Liability consolidation. I’ve got loans out all over, some bigger, some small. Putting all of that in one bucket would be a major time and money saving process.

That’s it for now. I’ll expand on each of these topics, and give daily feedback on my progress and attention to each point in the coming days and weeks.