Austerity – Day 3


IF Protocol. Lunch of half-bagel, egg and cheese. Coffee. Dinner, tacos with chickens, salsa. Minimal sugar (had to test a recipe at work) and no alcohol.

No workout. But I did sauna. Oddly weight is at 176, which is high for me given that I’m off alcohol and sugar. I just restarted my scale, and while I’m sure everyone wants to blame the scale, that could actually be an issue. I’ll try and get a second opinion.

BP at 120/74. 118/65 last night. Both good readings.


Meditated. No breath work today. Didn’t get outside in any meaningful way.

Far too much social media and TV though. It is so insidious. Left TV on while cooking dinner, and then that transitions into watching TV during dinner. Big national news drew me into Twitter, and that is a black hole of distraction. It pretty much has to be an all-or-nothing, there is no real easy way to just bite off small pieces.


No real changes, still fine tuning that side gig for attorney work. Still need to find some other action, although I did some good work creating the World’s Most Expensive Avocado Toast. It’s a fun project for my coffee shop, and one I think could make a splash, be charitable and make some money at the same time.


See above. I spent some good time working on the copy and structure of the announcement for my avocado event, and I’m going to put that into the creativity category.